Students will . . .
complete a chapter assessment in order to demonstrate their understanding of the theme of evolution and descent with modification.
Warm Up:
- Announcement: Ch. 23 Notes will be collected at a later time due to today's exam. Definitions for this chapter can be seen on Friday's post. I will announce their due date at a later time.
- Begin Exam
- Take note of Homework handouts
- Exam Ch. 22
- Please bring a photo-capable phone, camera or other mobile device for tomorrow's lab. You will be taking pictures during your lab experience.
- Read over/highlight/take notes on the Pre-lab "Natural Selection"
- Complete the Pre-Laboratory Questions
- Discuss with your lab group the following roles and who will fill each role:
- Notetaker/Photographer (responsible for taking notes/data during lab investigation)
- Materials Manager (responsible for securing any and all lab equipment and supplies)
- Time Manager (responsible for keeping the group focused and on task, also is responsible for keeping track of time)
- Spokesperson (responsible for knowing every detail of the lab and for presenting any findings to the class)
- Important sites: USGS Utah Water Science Center
- Look up the following website and identify a few facts about the Great Salt Lake. For example, why is it so salty?
- Look up the following organisms via a Google Image search and provide a colored sketch for each of the following:
- Artemia
- Hutchinsoniella
- Daphnia
- Triops
- Lepidurus
- Limnadia
- Lynceus
- On the same sheet of paper, write up and be prepared to explain he following terms:
- Ice Age
- Natural Selection
- Extant
- Salinity
- Speciation
- Phylogenetic Tree
- Cladogram
- Arthropods
- Diapause
- sulfuric acid
- calcium carbonate
- Independent variable
- dependent variable
- carbonate hardness
- acid rain
- carapace
Lab Groups
SAT Words:
Tuesday, September 4 – ABSCOND (v.) – to sneak away and hide
Huckleberry Finn wanted to abscond from civilization.
Wednesday, September 5 – ABUNDANT (adj.) – in great numbers
After a week of heavy rain, the mosquitoes were very abundant in the back yard.
Thursday, September 6 – ACCEDE (v.) – to agree
The student finally acceded to his teacher’s advice to study thoroughly for the final exms.
Friday, September 7 – ACCENTUATE (v.) – to emphasize, highlight
The Counselor accentuated the importance of a good introductory essay when applying
for college admittance.
Remind Mrs. Berkeley to distribute the Root Word Lists (the first set will be given as a quiz).
Don't forget to purchase your Princeton Review Guides, the release is scheduled for September 7, 2012.
Important Links: -- Group Access 9nr351
twitter: @thebuzzwithberk
study chat room:
study chat room:
Class Calendar
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