Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Google Reader

There are so many useful blogs around for educational purposes, from posting classwork and assignments, as this blog does. There are blogs for student feedback and interaction/discussion on topics. I have even found blogs highlighting student work and other topics of interest.

As I mentioned on the discussion board, it took me a while to write this post as I was kind of confused and all over the place. At any rate, I mentioned that as I used the new technology, I became more comfortable with using it.

I definitely see the benefits of using an aggregator tool as information is now brought to you instead of you having to search for it. I learned that I could access important information that will come in handy. In particular, as I go through the National Board Certification process I am able to access articles and advice that will assist me during my journey.

For your convenience, here is the feed for this blog: http://apbiodailyblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

So far, I like the interface of the Google Reader application, so I have decided to use it as my aggregator. I have many more feeds that I subscribed to, so I am eventually getting the hang of the purpose behind RSS feeds.


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