Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize Ribosome Discovery


1 comment:

  1. Wow!!..I have always generalize people from India as a very smart and dedicate people, and this man seem to support my idea..

    One thing that I really agreed with him is that you have to do things not just for expecting a recognition for it but just for the seek of knowdlege.
    What I can infer and learn from this video is not only the science stuff, but actually the real life stuff such as, when you actually do things that you enjoy doing and you are really motivated by them, then you can discover a lot of new thigs, and your accomplish at the end will be that you curiosity will be satisfy; but even though when you find the answer for your original question, you will find a new link that will make you get more into it, like an addiction...that is awesome!
