Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Students will use data sets in order to create a phylogenetic tree or simple cladogram to depict evolutionary history and speciation.  
Essential Knowledge:  1.B.2 -- Phylogenetic tress and cladograms are graphical representations (models) of evolutionary history that can be tested.
LO 1.19 -- The students is able to create a phylogenetic tree or simple cladogram that correctly represents evoltuionary istry and speciation from a provided data set.
Warm Up/Things to Do:

  1. H
Menu of Activities/Classwork:
  • Exit Ticket -- Phylogenies

    • Study Guide - Ch. 2

    The 2-1-4 Challenge - Challenge #8

    3 Bonus Points towards next exam

    2 Facts:

    • This unique land and its geologic features have been carved by a well-known river.
    • Once known as a trading place, place to fish, a canal, town and  amusement park.  Home to a wide range of native wild animals such as whitetail deer, fox, box turtles, squirrels, coyotes, bats and chipmunks.  Several rare species of plants also call this picturesque location home.

    1 Clue:

    • The river located here dumps into the United States's largest estuary.

    4 Pictures:

    This is your sixth 2-1-4 in the series.  The fourth was correctly guessed by Divesh.  Way to go Divesh!! 

    Once you've determined the location, please leave a comment under this post.  The first to leave a comment with the correct location will receive the bonus points.  Once you complete the challenge, try to learn at least one more thing about the location through   your very own research.
    SAT Word of the Day:

    Friday, November 30 – BRAZEN (adj.) – excessively bold; brash
    The student’s behavior was very brazen because he marched into class 20 minutes late and never gave a reason for his tardiness.

    Monday, December 3 – BRUMAL (adj.) – wintry, relating to winter
    Students need to buy a heavy coat because Maryland sometimes has a brumal climate.

    Tuesday, December 4 – BRUSQUE (adj.) – short, abrupt, dismissive
    We knew that our father was very tired when he greeted us with a brusque remark instead of a friendly greeting.

    Wednesday, December 5 – BUFFET (n.) – a spread of food involving choices
    The high school students visiting the college campus were amazed by the buffet that the
    cafeteria provided since they were used to so few choices.

    Thursday, December 6 – BUFFET (v.) to hit or strike
    If you try walking during a blizzard, you will be buffeted by the wind and blowing snow.

    Friday, December 7 – BURGEON (v.) – to come forth; blossom
    In the spring the flowers began to burgeon making the field look like a work by Monet.

    Monday, December 10 – CACOPHONY (n.) – noise, discordant sound
    At the beginning of the year the band room was full of cacophony but in a a short time the teacher had it sounding like a symphony.

    Tuesday, December 11 – CADENCE (n.) – rhythm
    The cadence of the poetry made it easy to memorize.
    • Please water your plants, which may be found in either Ms. Gunn's or Ms. Siebert's room.
    Writing Prompts:
    • Delineate -- to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail
    • Describe -- Give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events.
    • Contrast -- to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences;
    • Defend -- to support an argument, theory, etc.) in the face of criticism; prove the validity of
    • Evaluate -- to judge or determine the significance, worth, orquality of
    Important Links:
    www.edmodo.com -- Group Access 9nr351
    twitter:  @thebuzzwithberk
    Student Access Code:
      TweetIt from HubSpot

    Class Calendar 

    Friday, November 9, 2012

    WARM UP #4

    Students will complete a text analysis, in which phylogenies and cladistics will be used in order to develop an enduring understanding that organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry.

    Enduring understanding -- 1.B: Organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry

    LO 1.14 The student is able to pose scientific questions that correctly identify essential properties of shared, core life processes that provide insights into the history of life on Earth.
    LO 1.15 The student is able to describe specific examples of conserved core biological processes and features shared by all domains or within one domain of life, and how these shared, conserved core processes and features support the concept of common ancestry for all organisms.
    LO 1.16 The student is able to justify the scientific claim that organisms share many conserved core processes and features that evolved and are widely distributed among organisms today.  

    Warm Up/Things to Do:

    • Concept Check 26.1
    Menu of Activities/Classwork:
    • Grade Multiple Choice - Ch. 24
    • Discuss Photabulary
    • Cladistics Movie from Bozeman Biology Phylogeny/Cladistics

    Exit Ticket 
          • Study Group Captains:
        • Jason Manzanares
        • Justina Molokwu
        • Divesh Rizal
        • Pierrot Nsengimanna

      The 2-1-4 Challenge - Challenge #8

      3 Bonus Points towards next exam

      2 Facts:

      • This unique land and its geologic features have been carved by a well-known river.
      • Once known as a trading place, place to fish, a canal, town and  amusement park.  Home to a wide range of native wild animals such as whitetail deer, fox, box turtles, squirrels, coyotes, bats and chipmunks.  Several rare species of plants also call this picturesque location home.

      1 Clue:

      • The river located here dumps into the United States's largest estuary.

      4 Pictures:

      This is your sixth 2-1-4 in the series.  The fourth was correctly guessed by Divesh.  Way to go Divesh!! 

      Once you've determined the location, please leave a comment under this post.  The first to leave a comment with the correct location will receive the bonus points.  Once you complete the challenge, try to learn at least one more thing about the location through   your very own research.
      SAT Word of the Day:

      Monday, November 5 – BARD (n.) – a poet, often a singer as well
      The epic poem of Beowulf was sung by a bard.

      Wednesday, November 7 – BATTERY (n.) – an assault or an array of similar things
      intended to use together
      The school security officer charged the student with assault and battery after the fight.

      Thursday, November 8 – BELLIGERENT (adj.) – contentious, ready to fight
      Do not be so belligerent because there is always peer mediation.

      Friday, November 9 – BENEVOLENT (adj.) – kind, good, caring
      The parents of the student established a scholarship in their son’s name because they
      were benevolent.

      • Please water your plants, which may be found in either Ms. Gunn's or Ms. Siebert's room.
      Writing Prompts:
      • Delineate -- to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail
      • Describe -- Give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events.
      • Contrast -- to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences;
      • Defend -- to support an argument, theory, etc.) in the face of criticism; prove the validity of
      • Evaluate -- to judge or determine the significance, worth, orquality of
      Important Links:
      www.edmodo.com -- Group Access 9nr351
      twitter:  @thebuzzwithberk
      Student Access Code:
        TweetIt from HubSpot

      Class Calendar 

      Thursday, November 8, 2012

      Thursday, November 8, 2012 - DAY - WUP#3

      WARM UP #3

      Students will complete a web quest, in which phylogenies and cladistics will be used in order to develop an enduring understanding that organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry.

      Enduring understanding -- 1.B: Organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry

      LO 1.14 The student is able to pose scientific questions that correctly identify essential properties of shared, core life processes that provide insights into the history of life on Earth.
      LO 1.15 The student is able to describe specific examples of conserved core biological processes and features shared by all domains or within one domain of life, and how these shared, conserved core processes and features support the concept of common ancestry for all organisms.
      LO 1.16 The student is able to justify the scientific claim that organisms share many conserved core processes and features that evolved and are widely distributed among organisms today.  

      Warm Up/Things to Do:

      • Concept Check 26.1 

      Menu of Activities/Classwork:

      • Grade Multiple Choice - Ch. 24
      • Discuss Photabulary
      • Cladistics Movie from Bozeman Biology Phylogeny/Cladistics

      Exit Ticket 
              • Study Group Captains:
          • Jason Manzanares
          • Justina Molokwu
          • Divesh Rizal
          • Pierrot Nsengimanna

        The 2-1-4 Challenge - Challenge #8

        3 Bonus Points towards next exam

        2 Facts:

        • This unique land and its geologic features have been carved by a well-known river.
        • Once known as a trading place, place to fish, a canal, town and  amusement park.  Home to a wide range of native wild animals such as whitetail deer, fox, box turtles, squirrels, coyotes, bats and chipmunks.  Several rare species of plants also call this picturesque location home.

        1 Clue:

        • The river located here dumps into the United States's largest estuary.

        4 Pictures:

        This is your sixth 2-1-4 in the series.  The fourth was correctly guessed by Divesh.  Way to go Divesh!! 

        Once you've determined the location, please leave a comment under this post.  The first to leave a comment with the correct location will receive the bonus points.  Once you complete the challenge, try to learn at least one more thing about the location through   your very own research.
        SAT Word of the Day:

        Monday, November 5 – BARD (n.) – a poet, often a singer as well
        The epic poem of Beowulf was sung by a bard.

        Wednesday, November 7 – BATTERY (n.) – an assault or an array of similar things
        intended to use together
        The school security officer charged the student with assault and battery after the fight.

        Thursday, November 8 – BELLIGERENT (adj.) – contentious, ready to fight
        Do not be so belligerent because there is always peer mediation.

        Friday, November 9 – BENEVOLENT (adj.) – kind, good, caring
        The parents of the student established a scholarship in their son’s name because they
        were benevolent.

        • Please water your plants, which may be found in either Ms. Gunn's or Ms. Siebert's room.
        Writing Prompts:
        • Delineate -- to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail
        • Describe -- Give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events.
        • Contrast -- to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences;
        • Defend -- to support an argument, theory, etc.) in the face of criticism; prove the validity of
        • Evaluate -- to judge or determine the significance, worth, orquality of
        Important Links:
        www.edmodo.com -- Group Access 9nr351
        twitter:  @thebuzzwithberk
        Student Access Code:
          TweetIt from HubSpot

        Class Calendar 

        Wednesday, November 7, 2012 - WUP #3

        WARM UP #2

        Students will complete a web quest, in which phylogenies and cladistics will be used in order to develop an enduring understanding that organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry.

        Enduring understanding -- 1.B: Organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry

        LO 1.14 The student is able to pose scientific questions that correctly identify essential properties of shared, core life processes that provide insights into the history of life on Earth.
        LO 1.15 The student is able to describe specific examples of conserved core biological processes and features shared by all domains or within one domain of life, and how these shared, conserved core processes and features support the concept of common ancestry for all organisms.
        LO 1.16 The student is able to justify the scientific claim that organisms share many conserved core processes and features that evolved and are widely distributed among organisms today.  

        Warm Up/Things to Do:
        Report to Computer Lab 256

        • Cladistics Movie from Bozeman Biology Phylogeny/Cladistics 

        Web Quest Exit Ticket complete via Edmodo Group Code:  9nr35l 
          • Study Group Captains:
            • Jason Manzanares
            • Justina Molokwu
            • Divesh Rizal
            • Pierrot Nsengimanna

          The 2-1-4 Challenge - Challenge #7

          3 Bonus Points towards next exam

          2 Facts:

          • This river is a free-flowing tributary of the Potomac River.  
          • This river's watershed includes the town of Frederick, Md., 

          1 Clue:

          • Home to an aqueduct that once carried the Chesapeake and Ohio canal

          4 Pictures:

          This is your fifth 2-1-4 in the series.  The fourth was correctly guessed by Divesh.  Way to go Divesh!! 

          Once you've determined the location, please leave a comment under this post.  The first to leave a comment with the correct location will receive the bonus points.  Once you complete the challenge, try to learn at least one more thing about the location through your own research.

            SAT Word of the Day:

            Monday, November 5 – BARD (n.) – a poet, often a singer as well
            The epic poem of Beowulf was sung by a bard.

            Wednesday, November 7 – BATTERY (n.) – an assault or an array of similar things
            intended to use together
            The school security officer charged the student with assault and battery after the fight.

            Thursday, November 8 – BELLIGERENT (adj.) – contentious, ready to fight
            Do not be so belligerent because there is always peer mediation.

            Friday, November 9 – BENEVOLENT (adj.) – kind, good, caring
            The parents of the student established a scholarship in their son’s name because they
            were benevolent.

            • Please water your plants, which may be found in either Ms. Gunn's or Ms. Siebert's room.
            Writing Prompts:
            • Delineate -- to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail
            • Describe -- Give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events.
            • Contrast -- to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences;
            • Defend -- to support an argument, theory, etc.) in the face of criticism; prove the validity of
            • Evaluate -- to judge or determine the significance, worth, orquality of
            Important Links:
            www.edmodo.com -- Group Access 9nr351
            twitter:  @thebuzzwithberk
            Student Access Code:
              TweetIt from HubSpot

            Class Calendar